Saturday, June 04, 2011

Back to basics,,,india today at 1:20 AM

Goons in white have once again demonstrated, how difficult it is to give up what they have earned and hoarded in foreign bank account. Human nature i guess..
it needed someone outsider to shake the packing order, Anna or man in saffron.
What khaki lathi's did today at 1:20 AM is probably like history relived. Are we back to British raj..just the skin color or lathiholders has chyanged. Whites looted us for over 200 years, white kurtas are looting us for over 60 years..anyone who will standup to puncture their moneybags will be dealt with well oiled lathis and tear gas bombs.
Expected but unfortunate scenes/pictures that are being streamed over TV, the guy has positive propoganda.
TOday ashamed to be an Indian, not because we are still less then 2000 US GDP per capita but because we are run are by a handful of thickskinned goons with houses of gold and hearts of coal.

Not finished yet...waiting for another saffron wave..